Saturday, January 12, 2013

Why you should disagree with your Pastor.

I read a great post by author, Robb Ryerse today.  I am more than halfway through his book and have really enjoyed reading his journey out of Fundamentalism while keeping his faith in God.  You can find Fundamorphosis at Barnes and Noble and Amazon and many local bookstores in Northwest Arkansas.
Growing up in church, I was always conscious of what constituted a “good Christian.” The fundamentalist churches I grew up in had a lot of rules against which we could judge ourselves (and others). We couldn’t go to movies or drink alcohol or wear jeans to worship services. And we were taught that good Christians conformed. We were not to conform to the world, but we were supposed to conform to each other.
The fundamentalism of my youth always seemed to push us toward homogeny. People were expected to dress in similar ways, to have similar haircuts, to talk the same way, to use the same version of the Bible. And this push for homogeny went deeper. We all had the same worldview, voted for the same candidates, and believed the same things about God, humanity, and life.
But I don’t necessary think it should be that way.

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